Ashton Agar, who is set to return to India for the upcoming three-match ODI series, holds no hard feelings regarding his recent Test snub. Although Agar had high hopes of playing an essential role in the four-Test series, he was left out as fellow spinners Todd Murphy and Matthew Kuhnemann were preferred.
Kuhnemann was not initially part of the touring party, but he was later flown over when Mitchell Swepson went back home for his child's birth. Agar decided to return home after being overlooked for the first two Tests. Instead of dwelling on his misfortune, he saw the opportunity to link back up with his WA teammates and helped them secure the back-to-back one-day cup crowns by delivering an outstanding performance of 5-64.
Agar said, "I felt I wasn't bowling as well as I needed to be," when asked about his reason for returning home early. He added that he had no ill feelings towards anyone and was well supported in the team. Agar still has hopes of playing Test cricket for Australia and is now focused on performing well in the upcoming ODI series against India, which starts on March 17.
Agar is also gearing up for the 50-over World Cup in India, which begins in October. He wants to make sure that he is in top form for the showpiece tournament. Agar is feeling confident and calm as he heads back to India.